Place Making
Place making is a key part of the levelling up agenda and development of place based economic resilience[1]. Availability of greenspace play a role in where graduates choose to live and work [2]. Proximity to functional green spaces have been shown to increase house prices[3]. There is also anecdotal evidence that greenspace in commercial and industrial sites has led to increased occupancy. Predicted future growth in Northern towns continues to be lower than those in the rest of the country (with the exception of the North West)[4]. As our patterns of work and shopping change green spaces will play an important role as part of our town’s and cities’ cultural and recreational offer[5]. Green spaces can play a key role in contributing to a fabric of places. The presence of urban green spaces is important in creating social cohesion within and across communities[6], this can be key in supporting equality and avoiding social fragmentation.
Nature Recovery can also be key in supporting sustainable travel. Creation of green routes between residential and commercial areas, or schools can encourage walking and cycling between these areas[7]. Establishment of green infrastructure around transport infrastructure can also play a key role in mitigating the negative effects such as increased air and noise and impacts on landscape beauty[8].
[1] IPPR (2018) LEVELLING UP HEALTH FOR PROSPERITY Institute for Public Policy Research.
[2] Homes for the North (2016) BRAIN GAIN: THE ROLE OF HOMES AND PLACE MAKING IN ATTRACTING GRADUATES TO THE NORTH OF ENGLAND. A WPI Economics report for Homes for the North.
[3] ONS (2018) Value of nature implicit in property prices – Hedonic Pricing Method (HPM) methodology note.
[4]EY (2020) Beyond Brexit Levelling up the UK.
[5] KPMG (2021) The future of towns and cities post COVID-19.
[6] The Relationship between Social Cohesion and Urban Green Space: An Avenue for Health Promotion.
[7] NICE (2019) Physical activity and the environment. NICE guideline, Public Health England.
[8] Natural England NEWP32 Transport green corridors: options appraisal and opportunity mapping (NECR168).